A Sweet Memory

Cozy Celebrations
Part 3: A Sweet Memory


The next morning, Jasmine returns. As Lucifer opens the door to greet her, there is a holiday welcome mat in front of the door. Another gift from Jasmine.


Jasmine tells Lucifer he should spend some time with someone he feels connected with.


Since his last adventure, Lucifer feels like he has something special with Kai, the one he was able to help come back to the living. Kai was forever grateful as he had a family he could return to. A family that Lucifer has not even met yet. He remembered Kai stated he had a son, so Lucifer thinks surprising him with some chocolate chip cookies would be perfect.


Kai and his family live in Ravenwood. It’s been a bit chilly out lately, so Lucifer decides to try on his new jacket he recently bought. It definitely keeps him warm. Luckily for Lucifer, it’s not snowing and there is no snow in Ravenwood. It is a bit nippy outside.


Lucifer is happy to finally see where Kai lives. Kai introduces his family. His son, Takama, likes to dress up like a crow.


The chocolate chip cookies Lucifer had made seems to be a big hit, especially with Takama.


For the adults, Lucifer mixes up an alcoholic drink called a Coquito. Kai offers Lucifer his bar to provide in making the drink.


Kai invites Lucifer to watch some television with the family. The news was displaying outdoor winter activities families enjoy doing. Something for Lucifer to jot down for when Jasmine next visits him.


As he is about to leave, Lucifer is given a wreath from Kai and his family as a gift for not only bringing Kai back to life, but also as gesture of hospitality for being in the holiday spirit. Lucifer didn’t want to let Kai know he has a wreath already. Instead, Lucifer decides to place it on the other side of the door of his home. Two wreathes fit the holiday mood.


To Be Continued…

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