The Duckson Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 1: A New Addition
Andrew and Zoe introduced a new addition to their family – a baby boy named Bucky Duckson.
Much has gone on in the nine months Zoe was pregnant and then soon after Bucky’s birth.
J was no longer with Dina. He was now a bachelor himself again. But remained best friends with Andrew and Zoe. He was asked to be Bucky’s godfather and he gladly accepted.
Marc Young, the unemployed man who helped Andrew move his stuff in when he had his bachelor pad built was no longer unemployed. He was now making good money, but his life was down spiraling. He was no longer the nice guy he was over a year ago. Andrew would see him on occasion either going to work or just hanging out. Marc would either nod or avoid him.
Andrew keeps in touch with Liberty. She has begun dating one of her other best friends which whom she lives with, Travis Scott.
Great up-date on what’s happening with all the other friends.