Cozy Celebrations
Part 2: Exploring New Perspectives
Lucifer wakes up the next morning with a knock at the door. Jasmine has returned.
After Jasmine leaves, Lucifer notices something different about his yard. Surrounding it, are a bunch of bushes with holiday lights throughout. Lucifer thinks Jasmine must have had something to do with this.
Lucifer thought up an idea. His food stand was a big hit before. He could just open another and create some holiday food for other Sims to come and enjoy. Jasmine seemed to like the Japchae he cooked up. He also wanted to try and make Brigadeiro, a dessert. He heard a lot of good things. He spends most of the day preparing both dishes with enough for plenty of Sims to try.
Opening his food stall, other Sims slowly started to trickle over. Mila Munch shares her favorite holiday tradition. Lucifer thinks she’ll enjoy the two concoctions he cooked up.
Katrina Caliente shares with Lucifer what she does with her daughters and friends.
As the sun is beginning to set and Lucifer is preparing to close his food stall, one last older gentleman shares his holiday traditions with Lucifer.
Knowing that Jasmine would return, Lucifer goes onto his computer and writes down all that he’s learned from those that stopped by to try his Japche and Brigadeiro.
To Be Continued…