anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
virtual people with moods that need to be controlled and desires that need to be satisfied
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Cozy Celebrations Part 6: The Holiday Spirit As night falls and everyone is exhausted from all the fun, Kai and his family head home. Before Jasmine leaves, Lucifer gives her a hug and thanks her for allowing him to experience and learn more about how to celebrate the holidays. The next morning, Lucifer […]
Cozy Celebrations Part 5: It’s Time to Celebrate Lucifer thinks it would be nice to start his own holiday tradition. Since his last adventure he had with the Grim Reaper and building his new home, he has been occupying himself with playing online games. The game, Sims Forever, has been his favorite game so […]
Cozy Celebrations Part 4: The Rythm of the Festivities Before heading off to bed, Lucifer does a bit more research about holiday traditions that others do during this time of year. He learns that while different cultures have all formed their own traditions around celebrating the festive season, common themes have emerged: Gathering of […]
Cozy Celebrations Part 3: A Sweet Memory The next morning, Jasmine returns. As Lucifer opens the door to greet her, there is a holiday welcome mat in front of the door. Another gift from Jasmine. Jasmine tells Lucifer he should spend some time with someone he feels connected with. Since his last […]