#BuildNewcrest: Day 28

Build Newcrest Challenge: Generation 1: Joseph Simself

Day 28 (Household Income: §21,913)

I got to see July in a very happy mood yesterday. Although I was expecting 1 child, I am glad Clare and I had 3. They are bringing joy to our friends.

7am comes around fast. This is our new wake up time. Unless hours change for work, we made the decision to go this route. When our little toddlers grow to their child stage, they will start school. So we decide to get in the habit of getting up earlier.

Juju is the most hungry of the triplets. That’s because she decided to toss her dinner into the grass and I didn’t give her a second plate. Bad behavior gets punishment. Obviously I am not going to starve her, but she was scolded again last night. She was doing so well too. I think since I was standing so close she decided to eat it all.

Myself and Clare switch roles today. She has the day off, so I’ll be going into work. But first I check out my cowplant and the rest of my garden. I’ve just about created 10 perfect plants.

Once I hit the 10, I think I’ll go ahead and pack things up and have the community park built. I’ve picked a lot for us to move in to.

As I get ready for work, I think how I’ll be stuck in this Cat Video Creator position for awhile. I’ll see you folks when I get home.

I’m home from work. I got another vacation day. I’d prefer a promotion over that, but it’ll do.

I see my Clarebear has started another painting again. She mentions to me she didn’t like the last one. I never got to see the finished project. Oh well.

I help tend to toddler needs and wants up to dinner time.

We all have dinner. I hope when Juju becomes a child, she doesn’t throw her food around. Although, she didn’t do anything tonight because I told her not to, I know she will eventually do it once more before becoming a child. That’s just the way she is. She’s my wild child.

Later, as we put the triplets to bed, I can’t believe that in about 2 days, these 3 won’t be toddlers anymore. And tomorrow, Clare becomes an adult just like me.

I do about a half hour worth of gardening. Oh my, Plumbob! Look at this thing! It’s a huge cowhead with massive teeth on some type of stump or vine. I’m not so sure I should have planted this now. It looks dangerous. I need to figure out what to do with this in the morning.

Then I update my social media profile.

And finally join my wife in bed. Good night everyone.

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