Geordi continues to work on the rocket ship since the wife and son are taking care of the twin infants.
And with that, he finally completes it. It’s now test time. Geordi is able to upgrade the rocket ship to make it better, but I want him to be able to fly into space at least once in this rocket ship for Generation 1. I will attempt it again before moving onto Generation 2. Hopefully, Geordi will have upgraded quite a bit at that time.
During his time in space alone within the rocket ship, Geordi encounters some twists and turns.
The next morning, now Tuesday, will be a workday and school day, except for the twin girls. Geordi and Vince enjoy breakfast together in the dining room as Xochitl works on feeding the infants upstairs.
Today is Career Day at Vince’s school, so I will be attending classes with him today so I can also follow him to Career Day.
With Vince’s morning free time before his first class, he studies for exams. Not sure why, but he decides to study outside in the rain and all the other students run indoors. After enough studying, I have Vince head inside to get a small workout in the school gym area.
It looks like his first class is Social Studies.
After, it is lunchtime.
After lunch, it’s time to attend Career Day for Vince. I have him go to the Auditorium where it’s being held. I already have Vince’s career planned out, but since it’s part of his Goal Oriented Aspiration milestone, I have him go. Plus, it will be fun to see the different careers advertised.
I have no idea what the second presentation or table is about. So, the question mark bubble over Vince’s head is perfect. Perhaps it’s the athletic career. I recognize the outfits for the first and third presentations and tables.
When Career Day ends, it also ends the school day. Vince heads home to do his homework and practice some football with Reese for whom he invites over.
Meanwhile at work, Geordi is called to help with a hijacking, but he already has a different criminal case with a suspect in custody. I think it’d really depend on the severity of the hijacking. I go ahead and send Geordi to help.
As Wednesday arrives, it’s the same routine as the day before. The only difference now is that it’s not Career Day for Vince. I reverse the roll where dad takes care of the infant twins while mom and son have breakfast together. Tomorrow in-game time, the infants will age up to toddlers. Then the family can all have breakfast together once again.
During his football practice, Vince sees two teammates fighting. I believe he would break it up rather than cheer one side on.
The Founder and Heir get to enjoy dinner together while Xochitl is at work and the infant twins are sound asleep.
Moving onto the next day, it’s now Thursday. And it’s Harvestfest. This is the equivalent to Thanksgiving Day in a way. The Sims came with this holiday that included gnomes. I took them out for Generation 1 and may put them back in for another Generation. I am also thinking of doing something like a Saint Patrick’s Day holiday but have the gnomes there instead.
Also, today is the day both Cassie and Zoe are aging up to toddlers. In fact, we’ll do that bright and early in the morning as Geordi has work and Vince has school. Xochitl has the day off, so she can take care of the twins during the day.
Cassie was born first of the two, so I’ll age her up before Zoe. Randomizing the toddler trait, she receives the Inquisitive Trait. All on her own, she also receives the Top Notch Infant Reward Trait. Then it’s Zoe’s turn. Choosing the randomizer, she receives the Angelic Trait and achieved the Top Notch Infant Reward Trait as well. Because the two are twins, I wanted to have their hairstyle still remain the same.
Next, the toddler twins need a small renovation to their bedroom. I keep the walls and curtains the same. I swap out the cribs for beds and add a few other fun things for the toddlers.
I forgot that today is a no work and no school holiday. This is good because I can have the whole family sit down for a family breakfast.
Then, the outside of the house is decorated for Harvestfest. Pretty fall colors for the lights and banners.
In the afternoon, I have Geordi cook the Grand Meal that the family will have for dinner. Because he is a vegetarian, he is making a Tofurkey Dinner. It is fun to see Cassie come into the kitchen and watch dad cook.
Karmine and her husband, Taku, are invited over to celebrate Harvestfest. It looks like Geordi and Xochitl are going to be grandparents soon and Vince an uncle. I’m glad the game decided to have her be pregnant. Not sure when she is going to have it. I’ll let the notifications surprise me.
I have Vince set the table as Taku has a chat with him.
It is soon time for dinner and Geordi calls everyone to the meal. He is in the kitchen with Zoe. She walks slow, so I couldn’t get a good screenshot with her in it. I’m glad I did get all the adults in. I have them each be thankful with each other.
I think my game glitched as only Vince has the Harvestfest goals along with the toddler twins. Geordi and Xochitl don’t have the goals in the upper left corner. At least I get to see Vince complete all his goals.
After everyone is done eating, I have them all go to the living room to enjoy each other’s company. I want to make sure that the toddler twins have a decent enough relationship status with their big sister, Karmine, before the evening is over and she goes home with her hubby.
I am going to end this chapter at this point. The next chapter, we should see Vince finish up the milestone and move onto the next step. He ages up in 8 in-game days to a young adult and will be moving out on his own then. They’ll have one more family holiday before that happens, which is nice.