Worlds Apart: 1.02: Technician

With an hour and a half left at work on his first day in the Astronaut Career, Geordi receives Excellent status for his Performance. He should be getting a promotion on his first day. I chose for him to work hard, so that more than likely helped.

As predicted, Geordi is promoted from Intern to Module Cleaner. The pay is a little better, so hopefully the job duties are as well. Geordi looks so happy for his promotion. I’m proud of you, buddy!

Geordi also received an Astro Solar System Light that hangs from the ceiling. I add that to his bedroom.

As all of Geordi’s Needs are in the green (some are about to go in the yellow) still, I take him back to the gym in Willow Creek. Hopefully Knox isn’t there. I guess Geordi can still play nice if he is.

As soon as Geordi hits the gym, two Needs go into the yellow. That’s okay, though. This time, I have him use the treadmill. I created 5 different fitness outfits for Geordi. It randomly selects the outfits when the Sims go places. I see he’s not wearing the one he wore yesterday. Maybe he doesn’t like that one now since it’ll remind him of Knox.

Geordi then starts up a conversation autonomously with Nalani Mahi’ai. I throw in a couple more interactions so he can get to know her. Although he perceives her as basic looking, I won’t rule it out as someone he might find as an interest later on.

It is then to the bathroom and shower for Geordi. He’s starting to get some muscle tone going. Only two more hours at the gym and he’ll complete the first milestone of the Bodybuilder Aspiration.

At home, it’s dinner time for Geordi. I guess I spoke too soon when it came to only having vegetarian choices when clicking on the fridge. Maybe it was because he was only level 1 at the time. Now he is level 2. I see meat options. I have to be careful not to choose any of those for Geordi. Mac & Cheese is one of my favorites out of game and in game. I’m sure Geordi likes it too since he is the one making it.

Before bedtime, Geordi practices some chess so he can be set for his first day in the Astronaut Career as a Module Cleaner. He was excited earlier about his promotion from Intern. He needs to keep the ball rolling.

As Geordi has new hours for work, I still get him up at a good time in the morning. Because he won’t get off work until 9pm, I figure he can do his last two hours at the Willow Creek gym for the Bodybuilder Aspiration before he actually goes to work.

It looks like Nalani was at the gym, too. I hope she doesn’t let go of the side bars on the treadmill. Poor girl is going to go flying.

Geordi is able to complete his first Bodybuilder Aspiration milestone and receives his second milestone tasks.

Knox does show up at the gym, but seems to avoid talking to Geordi. Hopefully he knows he shouldn’t have asked Geordi to become a criminal. Plus, Knox doesn’t look like the criminal type, himself. Maybe he was kidding and embarrassed to let Geordi know he was. Geordi has to get ready for work, though. So he will talk to Knox another time and see how the relationship goes.

Look at Geordi thinking about making those simoleons. While at work, I had him schmooze with the boss. Because of this, he almost received another promotion. He will tomorrow for sure. However, he also got caught doing it and is embarrassed because of it. Do what you need to do to get that promotion, Geordi!

Part of the second milestone of the Bodybuilder Aspiration is to own two pieces of workout equipment. Normally, one would pick two cheap ones to save simoleons. But I decided to filter the options to see what the Fitness Stuff Pack had to offer. They weren’t cheap. But Geordi has the simoleons for them.

As Geordi’s home is pretty small and these won’t fit indoors, I placed the excercise equipment on his porch.

The next morning, Geordi has a breakfast of champions…eggs and toast.

It was also a day for The Lottery. I’ve never had a Sim yet win the lottery. It won’t hurt to see if Geordi can.

Now that Geordi has a home gym, I am going to have him use it on weekdays and then hit the Willow Creek gym on weekends for now. Depending on how his hours change at work during each promotion will determine how he uses his equipment at home.

While working out, Geordi gets a text from Knox. This time it sounds like he wants to hang out at a lounge, stating someone is famous there. Maybe he also wants to apologize for that weird call about becoming a criminal. Sadly, Geordi has to work soon. Another time, Knox.

When it’s time, I send Geordi off to work. With not even his shift half over, his Performance moves into the Excellent status for a promotion.

Coming home from work, Geordi receives a Personality Trait of Self-Assured. He also got that promotion in the Astronaut Career. He is now a Technician rather than a Module Cleaner. He only has two work four days of the week now and has three days off. The hours he works, I’ll still stick with him working out at home on weekdays and at the Willow Creek gym on weekends.

When it comes to becoming Confident and Self-Assured, sometimes there can also be stress. And this is the case for Geordi. But he pulled through.

Geordi is doing quite nicely when it comes to Promotion Tasks. Each time he has a promotion, he’s already completed the tasks at hand. Hopefully he can keep this up.

Geordi also received an Astro Model Rocket as a gift with his promotion. I place it on the dresser in his bedroom.

I’m going to end this chapter here. The next chapter we will find out the results of the Lottery and if Geordi wins. I’m not getting my hopes up. And I’m hoping to have Geordi meet other Sims as well at the Willow Creek gym.

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